By Administrator on Wednesday, 11 March 2020
Category: Uncategorized

#1 Reason you should buy Warm Dim Bulbs

Back when your entire home was lit with incandescent light bulbs, you probably took for granted a particular beautiful effect that comes naturally to incandescence.. The warm dimming effect. Essentially, when an incandescent bulb is dimmed, the filament of the bulb cools down. This cooling effect actually has a very pronounced impact on the quality of the light. Not only does the light get dimmer, but the color of the light begins to appear warmer...

It just so happens that, when used with incandescent light bulbs, this warming effect mirrored the color output that our own bodies best respond to, the color outputs of the sun.

When the sun begins to rise each morning, the Earth's atmosphere filters the colors or the sun, creating a rich warm glow all around us. As the sun rises in the sky, the colors begin to shift more towards the blues, and crisper whites of midday. In the evening, the sun recedes, and the warmer lights return.

People's use of dimmers used to match this pattern (known as a circadian rhythm). It is only natural, when the exterior light is at its brightest, for people to brighten their interior lighting all the way up to compensate. Likewise, in the evenings, people will generally set a more mellow mood by dimming, and the old incandescent bulbs would follow something of an ad-hoc circadian pattern.

Fast forward to the more energy aware bulbs of today and we no longer have the happy accident of natural color shift in bulbs. Fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) in residential settings are rarely dimmed, and often come in very bluish color temperatures (We at Mojo will NEVER recommend fluorescent or CFL bulbs). LEDs have made great strides, but until recently only came in fixed color temperatures. This is a HUGE improvement over the ultra-white LEDs, and non-dimmable CFLs, but it's still not quite good enough.

With the advent of circadian lighting, many have found the solution they desire. Brands like Ketra have beautiful lighting systems that mirror the sun's light precisely, all based on your latitude and longitude. And while these systems are extremely powerful, many remain priced out of these types of whole home solutions.

This is where Dim-To-Warm technology comes in. A dim to warm LED bulb automatically replicates the beautiful dimming quality of the original incandescent bulb, all while retaining the long life and energy efficiency of an LED.

So, what is this #1 reason for warm-dimming bulbs? Warm dimming technology helps create a calming, relaxing environment in your home at the end of a long day,and this environment links your state of mind to your internal bodies clock. Try putting your phone away for the night, and letting your mind decompress in the evening. And let Warm Dimming technology help set the right mood. Studies by Harvard show that getting your mind, and lighting right for the evening can help reduce stress, help you sleep better, and increase productivity during the day.

Reach out to our team at Mojo to implement your own warm dimming solution today, for a fraction of the cost of the whole-home systems. In order to get the most out of your Warm Dim technology, make sure you have a quality bulb, a compatible dimmer, and scene selectors to get your lighting levels exactly where they need to be!

Learn more from Mojo today! 

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